Ober Florstadt, enamelled seal box from, 333.

Oenochoë bronze, from the Praetentura, 65; from the Baths, 103; description of, 275.

Officers' quarters, 64.

Okarben, fort of, Rutenian pottery at, 193; type of jug at, 261; pin from, 337.

Olt, River, Roumania, inscription on visor-mask found in the, 168.

Optio, 67.

Opus signinum, 61.

Orange, Arch of, Gaulish shields on the, 181.

Osterburken, fort of, fibula from the, 326.

Ostia, inscription by a trumpeter at, 55.

Otho, coin of, 341; Appendix V., silver, 389.

Ovens, 71.

Padding of iron helmet, 170.

Palisade, trace of, 24; in front of the east gate, 35.

Palmyrenes, employed as bowmen, 188.

Patellae, makers' names on, 274.

Pecuarii, mentioned in inscriptions, 104.

Penannular brooches, 326.

Pendants attached to phalerae, 300.

Pergamum, helmet in relief from the balustrade at, 175.

Periplus of Arrian, description of the fort on the Phasis in the, 28, 87

Pfünz, fort of, civil settlement at, 87; helmet mountings at, 165; cup Dragendorff 27 at, 197; iron collar from, 289; bronze chain with lunula from, 334.

Phalerae, 174; from Lauersfort, 176; on harness, 298.

Phases of occupation of Newstead summarised, 85.

Phasis, fort on the, 28; civil settlement at the, 87.

Picks, 279; deer-horn, 314.

Pillars of courtyard, in Principia, 45.

Pilum, 184, 189; object resembling socket of a, 288.

Pins, 337.

Pintaius, monument of, hood worn on the, 171.

Pioneers' tools, 278.

Pit in Principia, 47; in baths, 103.

Pits and wells, numbers of, 107; periods of, 111; contents of, 116; two distinct groups of, 343; samples of earth and vegetable remains from, 358.

Pius, Antoninus, Emperor, scale armour on the bust of, 165; coins of, 341; Appendix V., gold, 386; silver, 397; brass, 412.

Pivot-stones, 35.

Planes, blades of, 281.

Plants, identified, 360.

'Playing men' for games, 338.

Plique collection, St. Germain-en-Laye, 195; platter with rosette stamp in the, 200.

Polden Hill, Late Celtic terret rings from, 302; fibula from, 359; Celtic art displayed in horse trappings from, 328.

Pompeii, wall of, 36; towers at, 37; destruction of, 195; Rutenian pottery at, 193; occurrence of glass cups resembling Dragendorff's type 27 at, 197; bowls of terra sigillata at, 205.

Pompeius, M., tombstone of, phalerae on the, 176.

Pont y Saison, near Chepstow, enamelled brooch from, 330.

POR = PORTVS, on handles of amphorae, 270.

Portae, 40.

Posticum, 53.

Potters, chronological periods of the, 228; list of marks on terra sigillata, 235; on mortaria, 266; on amphorae, 269.

Pottery, chronological evidence as to, derived from pits and ditches, 195; see Terra sigillata, also Unglazed ware; indications derived from classification of, 270; evidence as to periods of enlarged fort derived from, 345.

Praetentura, 40; barrack huts in, 64.

Praetorium, in the Hyginian camp, 40; Dedication to the Gods of the General's, 62 (2).

Prata legionis mentioned in an inscription, 104.

Principia, the name, 40 (1); plan of the, 42; early walls below, 52.

Probe of bronze, 338.

Procolitia, fort of, fibula from, 319; beads from, 336.

Punch, of iron, 288.

Punctured inscription, on brass helmet, 167; on a spear, 188; on an axe, 283.

Quaestorium, position of, views of Professor von Domaszewski as to, 69.

Querns, found in pits, 113; imported from the Rhine, 145; beehive, 146; spindles of, 288.

Quilling, Dr., pits at Heddernheim described by, 106.

Rake, 283.

Rampart, of the early fort, 23; oak branches beneath the, 24; of the later fort, dimensions of, 33.

Red Abbeystead, field known as the, early mention of, 2; earlier discoveries in the, 5.

Red deer, remains of the, 110, 376.

Reducing wall, the, its construction, 33; its purpose, 82.

Reeth, Yorkshire, harness mountings with pendants from, 300.