between the chain and the strap.[1] A loop of almost the same pattern as that from Thorsbjerg was also found attached to a chain, probably part of a bridle, at Weissenburg.[2] It is, of course, possible that some loops of this type may have been mountings for sword belts. Thus, Plate LXXIV., Fig. 6, presents an example of a circular object, with a centre hollow but for its projecting boss, and having rings to which four such loops have been attached. It was found in the roadway at the West Gate. In the Middle Ages, when swords were slung across the back, such an article might no doubt have served as part of a sword-belt. But Roman swords, as we see them on the monuments, usually hang straight at the side. It is probable therefore that this is really part of a bridle.

Late Celtic Harness

The majority of the objects grouped together in Plate LXXV. are distinguished by features which associate them with Late Celtic art. One of the most characteristic of them is the terret ring of bronze (Fig. 2). It was discovered beneath the level of the later Barrack Blocks at the south-east angle of the Praetentura, and at least two other specimens were found within the fort, both much corroded. They are a common feature in Late Celtic finds,[3] such as the Stanwick hoard from Yorkshire. Sometimes, as in the well-known set from Polden Hill, Somersetshire, they have much more exaggerated projections, and are inlaid with spots of enamel.[4] Fig. 6 is probably a portion of one of the terminal rings of a bronze bit. The oval ornament attached to it is just what we find on the bit from Rise, near Hull, except that there the centre boss is decorated with enamel.[5]

Figs. 1, 3, 7, 8 and 9 clearly belong to the same family. In all of them we have the petal-like design that occurs in the enamelled ornaments of the bridle-bit from Rise. Figs. 1 and 3 are each furnished with double loops at the back for a strap to pass through. Fig. 9 has a single loop, also at the back. Figs. 7 and 8 probably served as attachments, the petal-shaped head being employed to prevent them from slipping out of a leather strap. That all five are to be classed with Figs. 2 and 6 as harness-mountings seems evident, seeing that we can point to the occurrence of similar articles found with horse-furniture elsewhere. In Scotland analogies are to be noted in the

1 Engelhardt, Denmark in the Early Iron Age, plate 14, figs. 21 and 116.

2 Der Obergermanisch-Raetische Limes, Lief. 26, ' Kastell Weissenburg,' Taf vi. Fig. 19.

3 British Museum Guide to the Antiquities of the Early Iron Age, pp. 131 ff.

4 Kemble, Horae Ferales, plate xx. fig. 1.

5 British Museum Guide to the Antiquities of the Early Iron Age, plate v. fig. 4.