Sample C.—This is a closely-caked mass of vegetable remains composed almost entirely of wheat-chaff. It appears to be the discarded refuse after winnowing and cleaning the grain, and indicates that the cleaning of the grain was carried on at Newstead. Among the chaff occur numerous seeds of Lychnis Githago, a troublesome weed of corn fields in some parts of Britain at the present time. Other weed-seeds from this sample are Stellaria media, Cerastium sp., Geranium sp., Medicago lupulina, fruits of Potentilla Torrirentilla, Rumex Acetosella, Polygonum sp., and the fruits of several grasses.

Sample D.—A black deposit with numerous twigs leaves. Leaves of hazel were identified, and several hazel nuts and pieces of hazel-nut shell were found, also catkins of hazel. The rhizome of a fern and the leaf rachis of a fern were identified. Grasses matted together form a large part of the deposit. The twigs and woods identified were hazel and birch.

Sample E.—This sample consists of a light-coloured clay with layers of a darker vegetable deposit running through it. Many grains of wheat a little wheat-chaff were found. The sample proved one of the best for weed-seeds. It was carefully washed the vegetable remains separated from the clay sand. The fruits and seeds identified were those of Picris hieracioides, Cnicus arvensis, Ranunculus reperis, Rariuriculus bulbosus, Polygorium sp., Polygonum aviculare, Rumex Acetosa, Urtica dioica, Clienopodium album, Potentilla Tormentilla, Lychnis Githago, Cerastium sp., Lychnis vespertina, Arenaria serpyllifolia, Stellaria media, several grasses, and a Carex. In addition there were present a number of small pieces of charcoal, some small chips of oak, and a few twigs of birch and hazel. An interesting feature was the presence of the remains of a large number of beetles.

Sample F.—A compost of vegetable matter much decomposed. It is made up almost entirely of a moss, probably a species of Hyprium. Birch-bark and hazel-bark, a branch of hazel, and hazelĀ­nuts were identified. The material gave fruits of a Polygonum, fruits of a Carex, and fruits of one or two grasses. Seeds of Solanum Dulcamara, fruits of Urtica dioica, and fruits of Juncus effusus (?) were also identified.

Sample G.—A light-coloured clay with a definite layer of twigs all running one way, and for the most part all about ¼ of an inch in diameter. The twigs prove to be hazel and birch one of the latter twigs with a catkin still attached. The clay on washing yielded the following Fruits of Ranunculus bulbosus, Ranunculus repens, Potentilla Tormentilla, seeds of Lychnis vespertiria or allied species, Pedicularis palustris, fruits of Rumex obtusifolius, Rumex sanguineus, Polygonum Convolvulus, Urtica dioica, Scirpus setaceus, Scirpus sylvaticus, Carex sp., and several grasses, seeds of Atriplex sp., and Chenopodium sp.

Sample H.—A black earth with nothing sufficiently well preserved to permit of identification. (Pits in fore-ends.)

Sample I.—A black vegetable deposit. Chips of oak, twigs of birch, pieces of birch-bark, and a branch of rowan were identified. (Pits in fore-ends.)

Sample J.—This consists of masses of small twigs in a thick layer among light-coloured clay. The twigs are bundles of ling (heather) evidently brushwood cut laid on the clay. Among the twigs were found flower-heads, leaves, and fruits of the heather. Other fruits or flower parts identified were those of Rumex Acetosa, Scirpus caespitosus, Scirpus sylvaticus, Carex sp., and Empetrum nigrum. Leaves of a grass, possibly Festuca ovina, were found.

Sample K.—A black vegetable deposit consisting almost entirely of moss. A few small pieces of birch-bark were noticed. From this sample came fruits of Urtica dioica, Rubus sp. (?), Galeopsis Tetrahit, Scirpus sylvaticus, Rumex sp., leaves and fruits of several grasses. (Pits in fore-ends.)

Sample L.—A black deposit of vegetable origin. The remains were much decomposed, and nothing of interest sufficiently well preserved to be identified was discovered. (Pits in fore-ends.)