glaze, too, is perhaps more brilliant, although, where the conditions of deposit have been good, the glaze of the Antonine pieces is often wonderfully fine. In the Newstead collection the specimens which have preserved their lustre best are invariably those which have been taken from the black deposit of pits or ditches. Pieces found even at a considerable depth, but not lying in this deposit, had become dull, while pieces found near the surface were usually worn and corroded by the action of the soil.

The following are the principles that have been observed in arranging the collection of decorated Terra Sigillata for illustration. Those specimens which appear most typical of the two main periods have been selected for reproduction. These have been classified according to the places where they have been found rather than according to their shapes or design. Thus, the fragments from the ditch of the early fort are placed first, as they form the index to the whole of the early pottery. Following them come the fragments from those pits in which the Terra Sigillata was of the same early character, and lastly a certain number of early pieces from the surface. The large inner ditch on the west side of the fort embraces both periods. The later period is illustrated by examples from the inner system of ditches of the West Annexe, from the inner ditch of the East Annexe, and from the pits which contained pottery presenting similar characteristics. Finally, there are other surface finds. The series of types thus obtained is of importance in determining the chronology of the vessels of coarser ware found in association with them in pits and ditches.


A. Finds from the Ditch of the Early Fort

1. Fragment of a bowl (Dragendorff 29). Two friezes divided by a moulding and a double row of beads. In the upper frieze a small central panel defined by double zigzag lines ending in rosettes, in which is a figure, draped, walking to left. On either side, panels filled with three rows of arrow-points. In the lower frieze, a band of S-shaped ornament. (Page 205, Fig. 1.)

2. Fragment of a bowl (Dragendorff 29). Two friezes divided by a wreath. In the upper frieze are portions of two panels. In one panel two geese hold in their beaks an eel or snake which winds gracefully between them. In the other is an ornament resembling a double series of chevrons. The lower frieze has been filled with festoons and tendrils. (Page 205, Fig. 2.)

3. Fragment of a bowl (Dragendorff 29). The bowl has been decorated with