every remnant of stone-work had disappeared. That a building had once stood upon the site was, however, clear. A portion of a well-built wall of the usual character, eight feet in length, faced the Via Quintana, and in line with it further to the south were some post holes, perhaps the relics, of a still older structure. Towards the middle of the space a short length of a flue was also discovered, running north and south. But, carefully though the ground was trenched, it proved impossible to lay down any definite plan. Still, it is safe to assume that here also, as at Lyne and Birrens, there was situated another more or less square block of building, forming the quarters of some of the officers other than the commandant.

The Barracks in the Praetentura

We may turn now to the long lines of huts which occupied the Praetentura, or, in other words, the space between the Via Principalis and the east rampart. These were the barracks of the soldiery. The buildings consist of twelve rows of small huts arranged in pairs, each pair having a street between them. Six of the rows lay on each side of the main road leading from the Principia to the east gate. Many of the foundations had been much disturbed, lying, as they did for the most part, quite near the surface. Only the rows on the north and south (Blocks I and XII) could be traced in their entirety. These were more deeply covered owing to the mass of soil and clay which had been thrown down in the destruction of the rampart. The same cause had preserved the huts at the east end of the other rows. Except in the case of Block No. II, where even the foundations had almost entirely disappeared, the lines of the front and back walls of the huts that had composed the rows were plainly made out. Further, the number of cross-walls recovered was sufficient to warrant the conclusion that the internal arrangement of the twelve rows had been identical, and that each had contained eleven huts. The rows (with the exception of Block No. I, which measured 205 feet) were about 190 feet in length. Each hut occupied a space of thirty-five feet by about fifteen feet, there being some variation in size. The huts in the row were separated from one another by intervals of two feet, and the streets between the lines had a width of twenty-three feet.

In addition to its greater length, Block No. I presented certain peculiarities that should be noted. The foundation of the south wall was continuous, although the cross-walls of the huts were separated by the usual intervals. Again, the huts themselves were somewhat smaller in