inlay, the colour of which can no longer be determined (Fig. 20). All of these decorated beads associate themselves with types of pre-Roman beads found in Central Europe, and are probably therefore of native manufacture. One other decorated bead is somewhat different in character. It is of bright-red vitreous paste, and has running round it a band of dark green, in which a wreath with stems and leaves is inlaid in yellow (Fig. 31). It was found outside the North Gate.

Other beads which may be mentioned as of less common occurrence are of clear green glass (Fig. 14), of emerald green, very tiny (Fig. 25), of amber, of bronze (Fig. 30), of jet (Fig. 6), and of red and white veined marble (Fig. 32). The last named was found in Block XIV, near the remains of a human skeleton, along with coins of Trajan and Hadrian. Four fragments of glass armlets must also be noted. One, which came from beneath the clay of the rampart on the south front, is of two shades of blue, dark and pale, with white opaque lines and a small spiral of opaque white (XCI., Fig. 1). Another piece is of pale green with a rope pattern in double lines of dark and light blue (Fig. 5). The other two pieces are of greenish glass without decoration (Fig. 3). Probably the portion of a boar's tusk, perforated at one end, shown in Plate XCIII., Fig. 19, had been worn as a pendant on a necklace of beads.

Pins of various patterns represented the smaller objects of toilet; but their number was not large. They were on the whole of most common occurrence at the Baths, whence came three bronze pins (Plate XCII., Figs. 18 to 20), three bone pins (Plate XCIII., Figs. 14, 15, 17), and one bone needle (Fig. 18). A needle of bronze came from Pit LXXIII, and a brass pin from Pit LXXVIII; both are figured in Plate LXXIII., Figs. 7 and 8. A bronze pin found on the level of the early building near Block XVII (Plate XCII., Fig. 11), 6 inches in length, seems to have had a small circular setting of red enamel on the head. A pin of the same pattern but somewhat longer has been found at Corbridge. The most decorative of all the pins was recovered among the black deposit from Pit LVI (Plate XCIII., Fig. 16). It is of horn, 4½ inches in length, and is quite uninjured. On the head is a carefully executed bust, doubtless intended to represent a lady with a high coiffure. Many imperfect specimens of such pins have been found in London.[1] An example was also recorded from Okarben.[2]

1 Roach Smith, Roman London, Plate xxxiv.

2 Der Obergermanisch-Raetische Limes, Lief. 16, 'Kastell Okarben,' Taf. iii. Fig. 2,