Type 28
Plate XLVI., Type 28, also Plate XLIX. (A), Fig. 4. Beaker of somewhat coarse, pale orange-red ware. Height, 37⁄8 inches. At the mouth it has a diameter of 3 inches, contracted at the bottom to 2 inches. The pear-shaped outline and upright rim are possibly indications of its descent from earlier Celtic types. It was found in Pit IX, which, as it lay beneath the east wall of Block XIV, must belong to the first century.
Plate XLIX. (A), Fig. 7. Beaker. Height 4¾ inches, diameter at the mouth 27⁄8 inches. The vessel is of a grey ware, somewhat soft in texture, with a black surface. This has the same pear-shaped outline that was noted in the last specimen. It came from Pit LXV, where it lay between a denarius of Galba and a denarius of the Republican period.[1] The pit also contained some small fragments of early Terra Sigillata, and may safely be attributed to the first century.
Plate L. (A), Fig. 4. Beaker of pale buff ware rather fine in quality. Height about 5 inches, diameter 3¼ inches. Round the side is a band of ornament 13⁄8 inches wide, composed of vertical lines produced by applying the wheel. Fragments closely approaching the material of this vessel and having the same decoration came from the ditch of the early fort. The period is uncertain, but it is probably of early date.
Type 37
A common type in the ditch of the early fort and the pits of the early period was a small bowl with a flat rim more or less rectangular in section (Plate XLVII., Type 37). The type was represented only by fragments; but it is here illustrated with the help of a specimen from Trier. The outlines of a number of rims are also given in Fig. 26. Of the fragments found, the best (No. 1) is of a hard-baked reddish-brown ware, showing traces of fire on the outside. It came from the ditch of the early fort, and indicates a vessel with an opening of about 55⁄8 inches in diameter, having a bulging side which narrows somewhat rapidly to a solid footstand. Two horizontal lines are usually drawn round the body. The vessel was also made in coarse, strong, grey ware as well as in a very light, thin, brown ware (Nos. 12 and 13). Both of these are from Pit LXV. Nos. 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5 came from the ditch of the early fort. Other examples are from Pits LIV, LVII and LX. The form was never associated with later second-century finds. On the Continent it has been found at Wiesbaden,[2] and it
1 Gens Cordia, B.C. 46.
2 Ritterling, Das Kastell Wiesbaden, Taf. xiii. Fig. 27.