The attachments are hollow in the upper part, but become solid at the base, so that they do not communicate with the interior. The Vessel came from Pit LXXVI, where it was found unbroken with three vessels of Terra Sigillata. Its early character is proved not only by the shapes and quality of the Terra Sigillata with which it was associated, but also by the occurrence in the ptt of ware bearing the stamps O·FIRMON, OF·MASCVLI, and SABINVS·F, all of which have been met with on early sites. The small spout-like attachments are unusual. Spouts, two or three in number, somewhat larger in size have been met with on the rims of vessels on the German Limes; these are usually of the type known as the Gesichtsurne, so-called from a grotesque human face moulded in relief upon the side, hut the actual purpose for which such vessels were employed appears to be uncertain. Specimens may be noted at Cannstatt, Holzhausen, Walheim, Faimingen and Rheinzabern.[1]
2] Professor Ritterling notes that such vessels occur sporadically towards the end of the first century, and that they were in use during the Flavian period at all events. Only one fragment was found at Newstead. The illustration of the complete vessel here given (Fig. 24) is from a specimen in the Provincial Museum of Trier.
The fragment here illustrated (Fig. 23) belongs to a large urn of somewhat coarse hard material of a pinkish-red colour. The diameter at the mouth must have been about 7¾ inches. Its flat rim, about 1¼ inches in width, is peculiar. The fragment came from the ditch of the early fort, and should therefore belong to the first century. This is confirmed by the occurrence of a few pieces of similar urns at Hofheim.[1 Der Obergermanisch-Raetische Limes Lief. 28, Kastell Cannstatt, Taf. vi. Fig. 8. Ibid. Lief. 22, Kastell Holzhausen, Taf. V. Fig. 22. Ibid. Lief. 8, Kastell Walheim, Taf. iii. Fig. 16. Ibid. No. 66, c, Kastell Faimingen, Taf xi. Fig. 34. Ludowici, Urnen-Gräber in Rheinzabern, p. 260, Fig. u, 18.
2 Ritterling, Das frührömische Lager bei Hofheim, p. 92, Fig. 47.