the latest was a denarius of Marcus Aurelius. The proportion of 'first brass' coins recovered seemed larger here than elsewhere. Possibly such coins represented the charge for entrance.[1] A group of four pieces—two 'first brass' of Trajan, a 'first brass' of Hadrian, and a 'second brass,' perhaps of one or other of these emperors—were found adhering together, though corroded, in the frigidarium. From this room, too, came several bone pins and pieces for the games which were no doubt played in the baths. One or two fibulae were picked up. A finely enamelled pair of these, as also a single brooch of the S-shaped type, came from beneath the rampart cobbles on the north. Remains of roofing tiles and flue tiles were abundant.

Figure 9
The water pipes were of two kinds—the larger fifteen and a half inches in length, with a diameter of three inches, neatly made with faucet joints having a diameter of one inch and three-quarters, the smaller without faucets, and with a diameter of one inch. The latter probably served as branch pipes. A small uninscribed altar was unearthed to the south of the caldarium, and a gutter stone, recalling similar stones from the forum of Timgad,[2] came from the frigidarium. The ditch which intersected the bath buildings contained two stones which had probably formed part of the arches at the entrance to the apsed recesses. These are square at one end and slightly rounded at the other, and they are furnished with projecting flanges on either side. Similar stones have been found at Chesters (in the baths), and they occur in large numbers at Corbridge. It has been suggested that the projecting flanges were employed as a base for the plaster mouldings on the arch. This seems highly probable. There was plaster still adhering to some of the stones found at Corbridge. Architectural fragments were very scarce. But pieces of plaster work, showing both a red and a yellow colour, were frequent around the late apse on the north side. Towards the north-east corner of the block of buildings was a considerable deposit of oyster shells.

1 An inscribed tablet found at Aljustrel in Spain, gives the regulations for the management of a Bath attached to a mine, which include the prices for admission. The semis or 'third brass' was the charge for men; for women, on the other hand, the charge was the as or 'second brass.' CONDVCTOR A VIRIS SING[VLIS] AERIS SEMISSES ET A MVLIERIBVS SINGVLIS AERIS ASSES EXIGITO. C.I.L. ii. Supplement, 5181. 23. Cf. Bar Hill p. 46.

2 Timgad, p. 80, fig. 36.