with ungrudging liberality the benefit of his experience, making many journeys to the Fort, and spending much time on the necessary survey.

In the autumn of 1907 the Council of the Society requested me to give the results of the excavations in the Rhind Lectures for that year. In dealing with the subject in the form of lectures delivered to a general audience, it seemed desirable to treat it on broad lines, and to bring to its illustration the results of similar investigations, both at home and abroad, which have been published during recent years. The form and treatment thus adopted have been adhered to, but in preparing the lectures for publication, the insertion of many details has expanded the volume beyond the limits usually adopted for such reports, until it has become in some measure a comparative study of a Roman fort and its people.

The results of observations made, both at home and on the Continent, in the many Museums and private collections which I have visited since the beginning of the excavations, are embodied in this volume, and I have to acknowledge the uniform kindness I have met with at the hands of curators and collectors. In approaching the end of a long task, I must acknowledge how much it has been lightened by the helpful suggestions I have received on these visits. Among the many friends and correspondents to whom I am indebted, I must mention my brother, Mr. Alexander O. Curle, Secretary to the Royal Commission on the Ancient Monuments of Scotland; Mr. Joseph Anderson, LL.D., Keeper of the National Museum of Antiquities, Edinburgh; Mr. George Neilson, LL.D., Glasgow, who has kindly revised my extracts from charters containing allusions to Dere Street; Captain H. G. Lyons, F.R.S.; Mr. Reginald Smith of the British and Mediaeval Department of the British Museum~; Mr. Arthur G. Wright of the Municipal Museum, Colchester; Herr Heinrich Jacobi of the Saalburg Museum, Homburg vor der Höhe; Dr. Emil Krüger of the Provincial Museum of Trier; and Professor Schumacher of Mainz, who was good enough to revise the lists of helmets and visor-masks appended to Chapter IX.

Among those who have helped me, I must especially mention Professor Haverfield of Oxford and Mr. George Macdonald, LL.D., of Edinburgh. Professor Haverfield and Mr. Macdonald have both read the proofs of this
