Plate 50
A.1. Bowl. Pit XXVIII.Type 46258
2. Cooking-pot. Block II. Praetentura.Type 48 253
3. Urn. Pit XXV.253
4. Beaker. Block II.249
5. Bowl. Pit XXXIX.Type 42259
6. Bowl. Pit LVII. Type 30251
7. Beaker of castor ware. Type 45254
8. Mortanum. Block 11.265
9. Beaker. Large ditch, west front.256
10. Pot. Praetentura.Type 47260
11. Plate. Block II.Type 41259
12. Beaker. Block XIII.Type 40256
The vessels illustrated belong to the Antonine period with the exception of Nos. 4 and 6, which are probably of the Flavian period.
B. 1. Urn, imperfect. Surface find. 253
2. Urn, imperfect. 253
3. Cooking-pot, used as a cinerary urn.253
4. Beaker of castor ware. Surface find.255
5. Mortarium. Pit XLVI.Type 25 265
6. Bowl. Pit XXXIX. Type 49 258
7. Cooking-pot of 'rustic ware.' Pit LXIII.247
8. Plate. Pit XI.Type 32251
The vessels illustrated belong to the Antonine period with the exception of Nos. 7 and 8, which are of the Flavian period.