composed of broken pieces of sandstone and blue river-stones mixed with lime. In this respect they closely resembled the early walls at the east end of the Principia and those lying beneath the south buttressed building.

The whole block measured sixty-seven feet in length by twenty-nine feet in breadth. It had been divided into three main sections, of which the central chamber and the large apsed room to the west had been heated by hypocausts. It was thus very like the baths in Lipari and those within the East Fort at Welzheim. Indeed, it had not a little in common with the 'villa' at Inchtuthil. The accommodation was simply that of the typical Roman bath. The entrance must have been at the east end, though little remained to make the position of the doorway certain. Possibly it had been covered by a portico; but, if so, the many alterations had obliterated all trace of it.

The first room (A), which must have served as apodyterium and frigidarium, measured twenty-three feet by fifteen feet. The apse at its south end contained the cold bath (B). This occupied the whole of the apse, being fifteen and a half feet in length by seven and a half feet wide at its widest part. It remained quite perfect to a depth of fourteen inches. The floor and sides were covered with a thick coat of cement plaster mixed with brick. At the bottom of the walls was a rounded beading of the same material projecting five inches on to the floor, to prevent leakage—a feature common in such structures. Near the west end was the step into the bath. It consisted of a single freestone block, one foot eleven inches square and six inches high, also covered with cement and having the same moulding round its edge. In the side of the apse opposite was the outlet for the water. Probably this had held a leaden pipe which had been taken out during subsequent alterations, for a second floor lay fourteen inches above the floor of the bath we have been describing. In Plate XIII., Fig. 1, the Bath is shown with a small portion of this second floor still in position at one end.

From the frigidarium the bather would pass into the tepidarium (C), an apartment twenty-three feet long by seventeen feet wide, heated by a hypocaust. The masonry at the north-east corner of this was still standing in excellent preservation for five courses. Plate XIII., Fig. 2. None of the supports of the hypocaust remained in position, but one or two roughly-shaped sandstone pillars, two and a half feet high, which lay among the debris, one of which is shown in the illustration, had no doubt belonged to it. On the north side was a small chamber (D) almost circular and thirteen feet in diameter. The