where the chamber is said to be an insertion of the third century.[1] The irregular shape and inferior material point to the same conclusion at Newstead.

The other Rooms

It is generally believed that the rooms which flank the central chamber were intended to serve as the regimental offices. Not infrequently we find one or more of them heated by hypocausts. Professor Ritterling assigns the four chambers which adjoin the Sacellum at Wiesbaden to the chief officers of the commandant's staff. One he allots to the cornicularius or adjutant, a second to the beneficiarii or officers of the staff, a third to the actarius or officer in charge of the commissariat, and the fourth to the librarii or regimental bookkeepers.[2] Possibly the two last might have been installed in one apartment, which would have left a room for the watch. In the Principia at Niederbiber the dedication to the genius of the standard bearers and image bearers, already referred to, was found in the room immediately adjoining the Sacellum on the east, while in the corner room a dedication to the genius tabularii by a librarius was found, and here also in a small chamber adjoining were the remains of cupboards and locks.[3] In a room occupying a similar position at Lambaesis was found an inscription showing that it had been occupied as the tabularium of the legion, and that it had also been used for the meetings of a college of regimental clerks, librarii et exacti. In the same college we find a cornicularius and an actarius.[4]

The store of arms was probably situated somewhere in the Principia, or in its immediate neighbourhood. The association between the two is shown in the well-known inscription from Lanchester which commemorates the restoration of the principia et armamentaria.[5] The find of a lorica in one of the chambers at Newstead can hardly be taken as sufficient evidence of the locality of the armamentaria, although at Housesteads some 800 arrow heads came from rooms in a similar position. At Lambaesis the military stores appear to have been kept in some of the chambers opening upon the outer courtyard. In one of these there were found about 6000 sling bolts of terra-cotta and about 300 stone balls, while in an adjoining room lay an altar dedicated by the custodes armorum.

1 See Bosanquet, The Roman Camp at Housesteads, Archaeologia Aeliana, vol. xxv. p. 221.

2 Op. cit. Kastell Wiesbaden, p. 27.

3 Dorow, Römische Alterthümer in und um Neuwied am Rhein, cited by Bosanquet, The Roman Camp at Housesteads, Archaeologia Aeliana, vol. xxv. p. 223.

4 Cagnat, Les deux Camps, p. 37.