the prolonged period during which denani remained in circulation—a phenomenon which has no analogy in the inferior metals. When allowance is made for this, the closeness with which the two sets of percentages approximate is remarkable. There can be no doubt as to many of the Newstead brass or copper pieces having been lost during the occupation that began in the Flavian period. Those struck under Domitian call for more particular notice. They number 25 in all, and as many as 19 of the 25 can be approximately dated. If we keep the lesson of Haltern and Hofheim in mind,[1] it will appear extremely significant that 15 out of the 19 were minted in 84 A.D. or subsequent years. Either Newstead continued to be held after Agricola was recalled in 86, or the great majority of the 'first' and 'second brass' coins of Domitian were not dropped until the Antonine period. The proportion which the Domitians bear to the whole—17 per cent., as against only 6 at Croydon—makes the latter explanation extremely improbable. And the improbability will seem greater, if it be noted that two 'second brass' pieces issued in 86 A.D. (Nos. 163 and 170) were 'almost in mint condition,' when lost. The testimony of the brass or copper is therefore all in favour of the first-century occupation having been prolonged into the reign of Trajan.

1 See above, p. 387.