The measurements of the pelvis are as follows:

Conjugate diameter 99 mm.
Transverse    " 109 "
Intercristal breadth 222 "
Distance between antenor iliac spaces 185 "

The skull is quite entire; it is of small size and shows certain evidences of immaturity, though the occipital has completely fused with the sphenoid bone. In the norma verticalis the outline is ovoid, the parietal exceeding the frontal width, and the zygomatic arches are seen. The proportions of the length to the breadth approach to brachycephaly, the cephalic index being 79.8. The occiput does not project, but there is distinct asymmetry of the occipital bone, the left side being more prominent than the right. The skull is ill filled, the outline in the norma occipitalis being markedly pentagonal; it is flattened in a vertical direction; the height index is 74.6, markedly less than the cephalic index.

The glabella is flat, the supraorbital ridges are very slight; the frontal eminences are not prominent, nor is the lower part of the frontal vertical, the bone arching evenly and gradually to the bregma. The under part of the occipital is particularly flat; it rises obliquely from the foramen magnum to the occipital protuberance, giving a remarkably ill-developed appearance to the hinder part of the skull.

The face is somewhat square; there is a distinct amount of forward projection of the alveolar edge of the upper jaw, giving a certain degree of alveolar prognathism the basi-alveolar length is 94, while the basi-nasal length is 93, bringing the gnathic index above 100. The nasal aperture is relatively broad, and the obits are rounded.

Beyond the technical description of the various skulls, there is little to be said regarding the human remains found in or round the fort.

There is great variety in the cranial characters of the several specimens, and no ethnological data emerge from an examination of the collection. It is not possible to say whether the individuals were strangers or natives, nor to identify the races to which they belonged. It is curious that such a large proportion of the persons buried in this casual way were still in early life.

The case of the dwarfish girl excites more interest. The circumstances in which the skeleton was found are remarkable. The body had been thrown into a refuse pit, and there lay under the carcases of as many as nine horses. What part did this tiny person play in the fort, and why did her remains receive such scant respect?

Although the stature is very low, it is perhaps hardly below, for a female, the lowest possible limit in a race of average stature, and there is no reason to conclude that this individual represented the pigmy race described by Kollmann. It is more reasonable to conclude that the low stature is pathological, and due to a premature union of the epiphyses.