No. I.No. II. No. VI.No. IX.
Glabello-occipital length,182 196 181 169
Ophryo-oceipital length,181 190 167
Minimum frontal width,102.59990
Maximum 120 120 108
Bi-parietal width,146 144 143 135
Asterionic width, 111 117.5 100
Cephalic index,80 74.5 79 79.8
Basi-bregmatic height,133 141126
Height index, 73 71.974.6
Basi-nasal length,100 105 93
Basi-alveolar length, 95 103 94
Gnathic index, 95 98 101
Alveolo-nasal height, 60 68 62
Bizygomatic width, 135 122 120
Upper facial index,44.5 55 51.6
Naso-mental height, 114 105
Bizygomatic width, 135 120
Complete facial index, 83.6 87.5
Nasal height, 50 48 44
Nasal width, 26 22 23
Nasal index, 52 45.9 52.2
Orbital height, 30 30 35
Orbital width, 38 39.5 36
Orbital index, 92 78.5 83
Palatal length, 55 49
Palatal width, 62 55
Palatal index, 112.2

deeply sunk fronto-nasal suture. The outline in the norma verticalis is a long oval, or rather ovoid, the parietal width distinctly exceeding the frontal. The proportions are dolichocephalic, the cephalic index being 74.5. The height index is 71.9, distinctly less than the length-breadth index. The arch of the vault rises from a distinct hollow above the prominent ridge formed by the supraorbital ridges and glabella, in a flat curve to the vertex, which is flat with a slight sagittal crest; the posterior slope is steeper and fuller than the anterior, and runs down to a prominent rounded occiput. The sides of the skull slope inwards below the parietal eminences, so that it is a so-called ill-filled skull. The lambdoidal suture is very complex, showing several Wormian bones on each side