perhaps > CAMILIANI; No. 4, MERCATOR, from Pit LXXXIX.

Figure 22
No. 5, SILVINI; No. 6, TITI, from Pit LXXIV. On No. 7 a fragment of the rim of a shallow bowl of black ware, the letters BRVT. On several dish-bottoms a cross or one or more incisions had been made on the projecting foot-ring to enable the owner the better to identify his property.

Before leaving the glazed ware, two specimens call for notice. The first of these is a platter of Type Drag. 31, but made of a fine black glazed ware. The colour is so uniform that it can hardly Terra Sigillata blackened through accidental burning. It bears the stamp CINT.VGENI stamp CINT·VGENI. It was found in the Praetentura. The stamp CINT·VGENI occurs on a fragment of Terra Sigillata found in London, now in the British Museum.[1]

The second is a small fragment of a dish of whitish-grey ware, bearing on its surface, and particularly on the interior, a very high glaze of an olive green colour. This small fragment is interesting, because it is the only Newstead specimen of the wares found on the Rhine with bright vitreous glaze,. usually in green or yellow. These date from the first century.

1 Walters, Catalogue of the Roman Pottery in the British Museum, M. 1951.