fragments of brass) perhaps belonging to its decoration ; a brass coin of Vespasian or Titus; a stirrup-like holdfast of iron (Plate LXVI., Fig. 4); a fragment of wall plaster, necks and sides of several amphorae (Plate LII., Fig. 2).

Cleared out 23 September, 1905.

PIT II. Diameter at surface 6 feet; at bottom 2 feet 10 inches. Depth 14 feet. Barrack Block XII. Praetentura. The walls dividing the two last huts at the east end of the row are built over the pit.

Finds. Below the hut wall lay a bronze buckle (Plate LXXVI., Fig. I). At 10 feet, portion of a quern of Niedermendig lava. At 13 feet, a large bronze oenochoe with one handle (Plate LV.). At the bottom, a mass of corroded iron and bronze, probably originally in part a large hammer; part of a wooden shaft or handle still adhering to it. Fragments of burnt bone.

Cleared out 22 February, 1906.

PIT III. Diameter at surface 5 feet by 3 feet 8 inches; at bottom 3 feet 9 inches by 2 feet 6 inches. Depth 7 feet 6 inches. Barrack Block XI. Praetentura.

Finds. Some pieces of rusted iron and bronze and a small bronze bell (Plate LIV., Fig. 1).

Cleared out January) 1906.

PIT IV. Diameter at surface 6 feet 6 inches; at bottom 3 feet. Depth 7 feet. Barrack Block VII. Praetentura. No black deposit.

Finds. A much corroded bronze coin and some fragments of Terra Sigillata.

Cleared out January, 1906.

PIT V. Diameter at surface 5 feet 4 inches; at bottom 3 feet 4 inches. Depth 6 feet. Barrack Block VIII. Praetentura close to the Via Principalis.

Finds. A spear-head and a melon-shaped blue glass bead.

Cleared out January, 1906.

PIT VI. Rectangular in shape. Diameter 6 feet 6 inches by 3 feet 5 inches at surface; at bottom 4 feet by 2 feet 8 inches. Depth 11 feet. In Barrack Block VII. Praetentura. For a depth of 2 feet at the bottom there was the usual black deposit with many twigs.

Finds. Some fragments of fine white iridescent glass, probably part of a perfume bottle; the skull of a pig and other bones.

Cleared out January, 1906.

PIT VII. Diameter at surface 8 feet 8 inches; at bottom 3 feet 10 inches. Depth 17 feet. This pit was discovered a little to the north of the east gate. At 7 feet